Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Phranakorn Nornlen" by Boom

In PN Story, we will tell you about who we are, what we did, (what we) are doing and (what we) will do in the future. But in the first issue, let us tell you about how we become to Phranakorn Nornlen Hotel.
You may have a question like why it is called Phranakorn Nornlen and how we got this name. 
At first, when our hotel was renovated, P’Rose* and P’Oak (the owners of our hotel) thought of its name. They have at least 4 names like Hong Lek Lek (little rooms), Baan Suan Farang (Guava Garden House), Baang Jeen (Jeen is the word which we use to call Chinese people ; there are many Chinese people live in that area), K and Son (K is the first alphabet of P’Oak’s mother). But all of them don’t sound smooth so they change to think about the name of it by using the name of the area the hotel is situated. Then the word Phranakorn was poped up!
Phranakorn is the name of the district that our hotel is located (it is an old city). Then P’Oak tried to find the other word that will be followed the word Phranakorn (Harmonious). Soon he found the word Nornlen which means the act you lydown on and relax. Finally, they choose these 2 words combined to our hotel’s name!
Next issue, we will let you know about our hotel’s concept and also the service ka.Hope you have a wonderful days!
Note : * P’ stands for Pee in Thai. It means brother and sister who is older than you. And then follow with a name of a person like P’Rose etc. And there is also N’ which stands for Nong. It means brother and sister who is younger than you.

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