Friday, November 7, 2008

Gourmet tour

Dear our PN friends,
Hi this is Donald from Phranakorn-Nornlen:)
If you are passionate about Thai food, I mean 'real' Thai food, then here is something that you might be interested!
Our first-ever gourmet tour will be launched on the 19th of this November. "Azanaya" is the gourmet event organizer which shares the same passion with PN by promoting the authentic Thai food culture to our guests. The promotional price is 1850 THB per head, which is based on the group of 9-10 guests. We really hope you can join us as this is what we hope to do for years: An off-the-beaten-path journey.
However this tour is really not for everyone.
1) You must be open-minded about food (means you are willing to try something new)
2) Not suitable for kids
3) You must be non-vegetarian
4) The food may not be organic
5) You don't have food allergy
The first tour will start on 19/11/2008 so please email to us for more information ( if you would like to give your taste buds a treat!

Have a slow life!

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